XSEQ1203 YBG101

IDNRArticle numberXSEQ1203 YBG101
COMPCCompany codeZCC — ZCC Cutting Tools
ISYCSubclass201-00 — Regular Insert unspecified
ANClearance angle major0 Degree
D1Fixing hole diameter5 mm
DIMMeasurement system indicator0
GRDMFGGrade manufacturer’s designationYBG101
ICInscribed circle diameter12.7 mm
IFSInsert mounting style code3 — Counter bore for screws with taper angle from 40° to 60°
IHInsert handN — Neutral
ISISOISO property0
LCutting edge length12.7 mm
SInsert thickness3 mm
S1Insert thickness total3 mm
TCINSTolerance class insertE
Has3DGenerated 3D graphic0