True 0° roughing tool with embedded finishing capability all in one tool.

Best-in-class wall finish in axial stepping-down jobs.

Lower cutting forces and real soft cutting action.

Perfect fit for taper 40 spindles and driven units.

Reduced shanks and long versions available.



Stainless Steel

Cast Iron


High-Temp Alloys

Hardened Materials

SAP Material Number6425419
ISO Catalog NumberVSM490D062Z02C062XN10L360
[D1] Effective Cutting Diameter15.875 mm
[D] Adapter / Shank / Bore Diameter15.875 mm
[L] Overall Length 91.44 mm
[L2] Head Length 21.59 mm
[AP1MAX] 1st Maximum Cutting Depth10 mm
Number of Inserts2
Max RPM48000
Coolant SupplyY
Weight Pounds0.27