The VariMill XTREME solid carbide end mill covers a broad range of applications, including helical interpolation, ramping, and plunging.

Designed for a large variety of workpiece materials, the VariMill XTREME delivers highest tool stability through several unique features like twisted end face, parabolic core, non-linear gash profile.

Four asymmetrical divided flutes and a variable helix reduce vibrations deliver enhanced tool life.



Stainless Steel

Cast Iron

High-Temp Alloys

Hardened Materials

SAP Material Number7108614
ISO Catalog Number4X1EE19007RRT
Adapter Style Machine SideStraight-Cylindrical
[Re] Corner Radius 4.826 mm
[Z] Number of Flutes4
[D1] Effective Cutting Diameter19.05 mm
[D] Adapter / Shank / Bore Diameter19.05 mm
[AP1MAX] 1st Maximum Cutting Depth57.15 mm
[L] Overall Length 127 mm