J20Order ID 21-02-011209
IDNRArticle numberOFKT0704SN-MM NCM325
COMPCCompany codeKOR — Korloy
ISYCSubclass201-09 — Octogonal insert
ANClearance angle major25 Degree
CBChip breaker face count1 — With chip breaker one-side
CBMDChip breaker manufacturers designationMM
CSPCoolant supply property0 — Without coolant supply
D1Fixing hole diameter5.5 mm
DIMMeasurement system indicator6
EPSRInsert included angle135 Degree
GRDMFGGrade manufacturer’s designationNCM325
ICInscribed circle diameter18 mm
IFSInsert mounting style code3 — Counter bore for screws with taper angle from 40° to 60°
IHInsert handN — Neutral
ISISOISO property0
LCutting edge length7.4 mm
RECorner radius0.5 mm
SInsert thickness4.76 mm
S1Insert thickness total4.76 mm
STDDESStandard designationOFKT0704SN
TCINSTolerance class insertK — Cold formed
Has3DGenerated 3D graphic1