CNGA120412 KB330

J20Order ID 26-01-010608
IDNRArticle numberCNGA120412 KB330
COMPCCompany codeKOR — Korloy
ISYCSubclass201-03 — Rhombic insert
ANClearance angle major0 Degree
CBChip breaker face count0 — Without chip breaker
CSPCoolant supply property0 — Without coolant supply
D1Fixing hole diameter5.16 mm
DIMMeasurement system indicator0
EPSRInsert included angle80 Degree
GRDMFGGrade manufacturer’s designationKB330
GRDPRIOStandard designation of the grade’ main applicationCBN
ICInscribed circle diameter12.7 mm
IFSInsert mounting style code2 — With cylindrical bore
IHInsert handN — Neutral
ISISOISO property0
J11AStandard designation ANSICNGA433
LCutting edge length12.9 mm
LECutting edge effective length4.4 mm
RECorner radius1.2 mm
SInsert thickness4.76 mm
S1Insert thickness total4.76 mm
STDDESStandard designationCNGA120412
TCINSTolerance class insertG
Has3DGenerated 3D graphic1