Description | Impact Acquire is a uniform and comprehensive driver API with helpful tools for controlling cameras and acquiring images. |
Function | In addition to numerous wizards for optimizing image settings, the included configuration interface provides convenient access to camera parameters and useful analysis tools as well as image and video acquisition capabilities. |
Use | For Balluff cameras.For GenIcam compliant 3rd party cameras solely in combination with a BAI BVA — Balluff Vision Acquirelicense. |
Additional text | Extensive endurance testing during development ensures high stability and robustness, proven in many demanding applications in a wide range of industries. |
Operating system | Windows 10, 11 (32/64bit)Linux Ubuntu 18.04 and later (x86_64, ARMhf, ARM64)macOS 12 and later (ARM64) |
BAI BVA — Balluff Impact Acquire
Главная страница » Balluff » Machine-Vision-and-Optical-Identification » BAI BVA — Balluff Impact Acquire

Description | Impact Acquire is a uniform and comprehensive driver API with helpful tools for controlling cameras and acquiring images. |
Function | In addition to numerous wizards for optimizing image settings, the included configuration interface provides convenient access to camera parameters and useful analysis tools as well as image and video acquisition capabilities. |
Use | For Balluff cameras.For GenIcam compliant 3rd party cameras solely in combination with a BAI BVA — Balluff Vision Acquirelicense. |
Additional text | Extensive endurance testing during development ensures high stability and robustness, proven in many demanding applications in a wide range of industries. |
Operating system | Windows 10, 11 (32/64bit)Linux Ubuntu 18.04 and later (x86_64, ARMhf, ARM64)macOS 12 and later (ARM64) |
License model | No license necessary for Balluff cameras.Perpetual license BAI BVA — Balluff Vision Acquireis mandatory for 3rd party cameras. |
Language | English |
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- Machine-Vision-and-Optical-Identification (241)
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- Ceratizit (25 147)
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- Milling (4 310)
- Threading (3 218)
- Tool clamping (1 070)
- Turning (3 217)
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- TaeguTec (1 873)
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- Turning_TaeguTec (791)
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- Обработка канавок и отрезка (249)
- Обработка отверстий Tungaloy (637)
- Walter (40 938)
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