Твердосплавный инструмент для станков с ЧПУ


Концеваяфреза с 3 зубьями’ спеременным наклоном винтовой канавки для обработки алюминия’ центральная режущая кромка имеет отверстие для подачи СОЖ

  Обозначение DC DCONMS RE APMX LF LH CSP Oil hole shank Сплав
  TECA060H3-12/18C06CF-R02C  6.00 6.000 0.20 12.00 57.00 18.0 With air hole with Cylindrical KS15F 
  TECA060H3-12/30C06CF-R02C  6.00 6.000 0.20 12.00 65.00 30.0 With air hole with Cylindrical KS15F 
  TECA080H3-16/24C08CF-R02C  8.00 8.000 0.20 16.00 63.00 24.0 With air hole with Cylindrical KS15F 
  TECA080H3-16/40C08CF-R02C  8.00 8.000 0.20 16.00 79.00 40.0 With air hole with Cylindrical KS15F 
  TECA100H3-20/30C10CF-R02C  10.00 10.000 0.20 20.00 72.00 30.0 With air hole with Cylindrical KS15F 
  TECA100H3-20/50C10CF-R02C  10.00 10.000 0.20 20.00 100.00 50.0 With air hole with Cylindrical KS15F 
  TECA120H3-24/36C12CF-R02C  12.00 12.000 0.20 24.00 83.00 36.0 With air hole with Cylindrical KS15F 
  TECA120H3-24/60C12CF-R02C  12.00 12.000 0.20 24.00 100.00 60.0 With air hole with Cylindrical KS15F 
  TECA160H3-32/48C16CF-R02C  16.00 16.000 0.20 32.00 92.00 48.0 With air hole with Cylindrical KS15F 
  TECA160H3-32/80C16CF-R02C  16.00 16.000 0.20 32.00 128.00 80.0 With air hole with Cylindrical KS15F 
  TECA250H3-50/75C25CF-R02C  25.00 25.000 0.20 50.00 130.00 75.0 With air hole with Cylindrical KS15F 

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