Запасные части’Material ID: 7815693 Spring pin for PSC tools and bars for DN..11′ DN.. 15′ SN.. 12′ VN.. 16′ WN.. 06′ WN.. 08′ CC.. 09′ CN 16..’ DC.. 11′ RC.. 12′ VB..16′ VC.. 16′ VB.. 11 and VC.. 11 inserts (item on spare part lists; C-DD11′ C-DD154-1′ C-DS12-1′ C-DS12-3′ C-DV16-1′ C-DW06′ C-DW08-1′ C-SC09S’ C-SC12-1′ C-SC12-2′ C-SD11V-1′ C-SR12V-1′ C-SV16S-1 and C-SV11 )